Here’s What Happened Yesterday
Yesterday’s workshop took an a different atmosphere due to the recent Nashville tornado. We had a great turnout and a lot of input. Here is what went on (if you missed it):
-Talked through activity/communication flow for three minor scenarios and then explored differences when the “big one” hits. Dispatch/EMA/First Responders on scene/COAD/Member agencies/Community
-Clarified communication between EMA, COAD and American Red Cross Shelter Team to coordinate other resources available to those affected
-Pet Care Team has capacity for 50 animals
-Transportation agreements with Greenfield Schools and Hancock Area Rural Transit as well as potential for use of church buses and vans
-Temporary intake centers available until scope and duration of incident can be determined
-Tentative threshhold of 8 families to transition from commercial rooms to formal overnight shelter
-Currently five overnight shelters with several others potential
Next steps:
-Rework written documentation for ESF 6 as far as shelter and ESF 1 for transportation
-Compile list of private owners of 4WD vehicles that would be willing to assist
-Determine details of liability and insurance for drivers and vehicle owners
-What about unaccompanied minor children?
-How do we accomplish medical issues and triage when EMS is overwhelmed?
-How do we handle professional care for emotional and spiritual care, mental health issues?
-How do we educate public about AM transmissions regarding status and location of shelters when traditional communication channels are down?
-Follow up with Hancock County Sheriff and Hancock Regional Health regarding special needs for evacuation of their populations.
More to come:
March 24th 3:30 EOC – next workshop
Command and Control (Communications)
Live exercise setting up COAD Command Center with power and lighting
Train on radio communications with EOC
Who talks to media?
How is community made aware of situation?
Join us – we need everyone’s input to make a workable plan
Hancock County COAD Team