Our charge during the Prevention and Preparedness phase of the disaster cycle is 1) any action taken to avoid hazards and minimize the negative consequences of a disaster and 2) any activity taken in advance of an emergency that improves emergency readiness posture and develops or expands operational capabilities. In carrying that out we strive to make educational material available to the general public through classes, training and distribution at public events or presentations.
The following list are the most appropriate flyers and brochures we have available at this time. Please contact us if you are interested in receiving any of this or if you have a group we could present to. Most are from FEMA.
Hancock County COAD brochure
Know Your Alerts and Warnings
Are You Ready booklet
Your Disaster Checklist (CFPB)
Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan (with card)
Training material and games for elementary, middle-school and high school
Specific sheets for manmade hazards – cyberattack, financial emergency, power outage
Specific sheets for natural hazards – extreme heat, flood, tornado, winter storm
Emergency Financial First Aid Kit – regular and large print
Document and Insure Your Property
Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables